Thursday, June 13, 2013

73% of Pakistani cable TV subscribers are largely not satisfied with the quality of the service offered till date. It was stated by Xposure, a market research firm based in Islamabad. The process of launching DTH in Pakistan is being delayed since around 10 years.

According to Xposure, 87% of Cable TV subscribers states that the bad weather adversely affects their cable services and most of the cable networks shuts off. When the cable operators are
reached, their respective contact numbers are busy. Most of the Cable TV users complained that they are unable to register their complaint due to non-availability of proper call centers at cable operators’ end.

Pakistan has more than 10 million cable subscribers, but less than 1% are digital so far, according to specialized pay TV research firm Dataxis. A national plan to digitize local cable TV systems was planned to be launched in January 2010 and to be completed by the end of December 2015. Meantime, the expected launch of DTH in Pakistan has been widely discussed by public and the press, but DTH still seems to be neglected by state authorities of the country. However, DTH is now available in Pakistan via illegal Indian DTH broadcast.


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